Senior Companion Services
For many of us we often take daily home tasks for granted. Whether it's driving to the grocery store, going for a walk with our pet or doing daily household chores. If you or your loved one is facing social or health related challenges, it may be time to reach out for help. At Home SCS provides personal customized support to help your everyday individual needs be more safe, flexible, and cost-saving. Seniors have control and the ability to lead a meaningful and independent life to the best of their ability.

At Home SCS is a licensed and fully insured non-medical Private State of Maine L.L.C. located in Southern Maine. Services are provided in the Kennebunks, Wells, Ogunquit, York area.
Hello and Welcome to my website. My name is Chantal Brousseau and I own and operate At Home Senior Companion Services.
I began my journey directly out of High School working as a Caregiver in group home settings for adults with disabilities. I pursued my interests, attended the University of Southern Maine and graduated with a BS as a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. Over the course of the years, I obtained other Health Care and Holistic Care related Certifications to help support other potential career interests and opportunities. These Certifications include: Health Care Administration, Nursing Assistant (CNA), Colon Hydrotherapy and Personal Support Specialist (PSS). Although I have worked in various person-centered settings I have spent most of my career life in Long-Term Care/Rehabilitation and in a Natural Care Wellness setting.
The demand to meet a seniors desire to stay in their home is today's reality. A senior who only needs a few hours of help a day to prepare a meal, go to an appointment or receive one to one social companionship can equate to thousands of dollars of savings vs. other nursing home options. The idea of being in one's home makes financial sense, supports busy family members allowing them rest and attend to other family needs, provides flexibility, freedom to receive family and friends in their own home environment without the feeling of guilt, support mental and physical health status, increase feelings of dignity and support higher quality of life.
My team is here to provide the extra help needed for your loved one to be able to get the support they may need to continue to live in the comfort of home.
Committed to Exceptional Customer Service
My services allow family members to receive support while attending to their daily routines. Clients can continue to feel safe, independent and maintain one's quality of life in the comfort of their home and surroundings.
At Home SCS services currently include:

Supplement and Medication Reminders